Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment & Mental Health Services located in Riverside, San Jacinto, Banning, Murrieta, and Hemet, CA

Misty Mejia

Corporate Compliance Officer
MFI Recovery Center Misty new headshot

Misty Mejia is a Certified Addictions Treatment Counselor (SUDCCIII) with 18 years of experience in the alcohol and drug counseling profession. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Human Services, with a focus on children and families, and currently serves as a Corporate Compliance Officer.

Misty has held diverse roles, including County Auditor, Administrator, clinical counselor, contract monitor, trainer, and Program Director. Her expertise lies in working with criminal offenders, women, and children.

She is a skilled trainer in residential and outpatient treatment modalities. Misty is highly knowledgeable in the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System and ASAM criteria and also serves as a CARF Surveyor. Her passion is ending the stigma surrounding treatment.