Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment & Mental Health Services located in Riverside, San Jacinto, Banning, Murrieta, and Hemet, CA
Desert Sage
mfi building

Desert Sage

Desert Sage is a 49 bed capacity Adult Residential Care Facility licensed by the State of California Community Care Licensing Division. Desert Sage is located at 82485 Miles Avenue, Indio, CA 92201. The facility is a longer-term, but not permanent, residential living program.

The target population will be adults ages 18-59 with serious and persistent mental health disorder(s) that significantly impair their ability to live in the community without the services available through the WPLP. 

This will include individuals who have reached a level of psychiatric stabilization from an acute or long-term psychiatric facility but require continued community-based support in a supervised residential setting. 

These consumers are generally characterized by a history of severe and persistent mental health disorders that have resulted in significant disabling functional impairments related to their mental health disorder(s). 

They would typically be on or have a history of LPS conservatorship; or may have co-occurring substance use or physical health disorders (such as insulin-dependent diabetes, utilized a CPAP device, have some ambulation challenges, etc. that are often barriers to receiving licensed residential services due to lack of CCL required waivers) that contribute to lack of access to community-based support or licensed placement options.

Potential residents are identified by Riverside University Health System –Behavioral Health (RUHS-BH), based on appropriateness for community-based residential care, the consumer’s need for WPLP level of care, and placement priorities determined by population census/capacity of higher level of care facilities.