Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment & Mental Health Services located in Riverside, San Jacinto, Banning, Murrieta, and Hemet, CA
Parenting Classes
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MFI Recovery Center

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment & Mental Health Services located in Riverside, San Jacinto, Banning, Murrieta, and Hemet, CA

Drug and alcohol addiction has a significant, negative impact on the emotional health of children. If you’re struggling with substance abuse and you have children, parenting classes can help you repair your relationship with your family and parent more effectively. 

MFI Recovery Center in Riverside, California, offers parenting classes that strengthen parent-child bonds and promote emotional healing and personal growth. To learn more about parenting classes or to get help for addiction, call the office or make an appointment online today.

Parenting Classes Q & A

Why do I need parenting classes?

When parents suffer from drug or alcohol addiction, it creates an unstable environment for their children. Children of alcoholics and addicts are at risk for behavioral and emotional problems, such as:
Parenting classes provided by the qualified professionals at MFI Recovery Center are designed to support families as a parent undergoes treatment for a substance use disorder.

Parenting classes are available as part of both the residential and outpatient recovery programs at MFI Recovery Center.

In some cases, parents are court-ordered to attend parenting classes. Parenting classes at MFI Recovery Center are court-approved, so attendance in these classes fulfills court-ordered requirements.
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What is involved in parenting classes?

People who abuse substances are more likely to pass their negative coping skills to their children, especially when dealing with difficult behavior in children and teenagers.

Parenting classes provide education and resources to help you understand the underlying cause of your child’s actions. Classes give you the skills to parent more effectively and give the love and guidance children need to develop into a physically and emotionally healthy adult.

Strengthening the bond between parents and children also has benefits for the recovery process. Positive support and communication can motivate patients to maintain sobriety and continue their personal growth.

​Parenting classes can also help pregnant women prepare for the birth and care of their new baby.
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Are other services available for families?

MFI Recovery Center offers a broad range of counseling and psychiatry services for families of patients in treatment for substance use disorders. These include:

Children of addicts frequently experience trauma, which can have severe consequences for their emotional health and may lead to substance abuse over time. 

The team at MFI Recovery Center has expertise in a variety of trauma-focused therapy techniques, including Seeking Safety, trauma-focused CBT, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and brainspotting to help adults and children process traumatic events.

If you or someone you love needs addiction treatment with parenting assistance, contact MFI Recovery Center to schedule an evaluation with a caring provider. Call the office or request an appointment online today.

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