Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment & Mental Health Services located in Riverside, San Jacinto, Banning, Murrieta, and Hemet, CA
The MFI Program
mfi go up and never

My Spirit

mfi alone

My Body

mfi imagine

My Mind

mfi handshake

Evidence-Based Treatment

Clinicians at MFI are trained in different evidenced based programs such as Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT), an integrated, comprehensive, family-centered treatment for youth problems and disorders; Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, (EMDR), a psychotherapy treatment designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories; Seeking Safety, an evidence-based, present-focused counseling model to help people attain safety from trauma and/or substance use; Matrix Model, a treatment approach that is administered over the course of a structured, 16-week period; just to name a few of the evidenced based practices utilized at MFI locations.
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Support While in Treatment

MFI introduces or reconnects clients to 12 step recovery programs, such as AA and NA. 

The 12 step programs have a long history of helping addicts and alcoholics regain control of their lives. In addition, MFI has a robust Alumni program to keep clients connected to a caring community after treatment. 

Please contact your Counselor about joining our Alumni Facebook Group! We are dedicated to providing our clients with the most effective tools available. 

We are available to answer any questions.

Call Us Today (866)218-4697
If you have Riverside County Medi-Cal and are interested in Residential Treatment you must call (800) 499-3008 for an assessment.

Our Locations

Choose your preferred location

MFI Recovery Center,
Banning, CA

MFI Recovery Center,
Murrieta, CA

MFI Recovery Center,
Hemet, CA

MFI Recovery Center,
Riverside, CA