Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment & Mental Health Services located in Riverside, San Jacinto, Banning, Murrieta, and Hemet, CA

Testimonials & Reviews

Happy client testimonial of MFI recovery

MFI Recovery Center

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment & Mental Health Services located in Riverside, San Jacinto, Banning, Murrieta, and Hemet, CA

MFI Recovery Center always appreciates feedback from our valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 3 reviews. Please read what others are saying about MFI Recovery Center below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.

Testimonials & Reviews

Elaine H.
Submitted 01/08/23
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I arrived at the Woodcrest location in 2001 right for CRC prison for women. Woodcrest location was Co-ed back then. I just wanted to say thank you for everything that I learned at your program. The staff taught me that I was only as sick as my secrets, that I was in a safe place where I could step out of my denial about the things that I had done in my past. I will celebrate 23 years clean and sober in June. I am the ministry leader for Celebrate Recovery at my church. Recovery is not just a program for me it is my lifestyle. I thank God for your program and dedication to changing people's lives.
Kailee B.
Submitted 06/25/22
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I was a patient in 2006. I remember how amazing the staff was and how human they made me feel as I Battled uncharted territory being in recovery and having a newborn. I completed the program and celebrated 16 years this past April. I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me back then...it changed my life more then you'll ever know!